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Amid the darkness, God has the power to use people like you and me to bring salt and light.

What I’ve learned is that when God places a country, person, or ANYTHING on my heart, I keep coming back. He has called each of us to sow seeds of faith and supernatural change. That is what we do here at Mikel French Ministries. Whether we go into a church that needs revival or share the Gospel with ears that have never heard about the power of Christ, we sow.

Here I am, Lord! Send me!

Hi! I’m Mikel French

As an evangelist, I have conducted crusades in France, Sweden, Russia, Romania, Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, Serbia, Germany, South Africa, Malawi, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Haiti, Japan, Singapore, India, and Thailand. I have seen 20,000 teenagers in Manila, Philippines, celebrate the power of Christ. My Ministry distributed The Book of Hope to 4 million students in Russia, where there is a remarkable transformation in the next generation. All of these moments were birthed out of me simply responding to that still small voice in my heart. When God says, “Mikel, let’s go.” I say, “When?”

You can click here to read about the accomplishments of this Ministry; they are many. I am so grateful to everyone that made each outreach possible. The whole point of Mikel French Ministries is to raise up a generation that says, “Here I am, Lord. Send me.”

Whether we offer tangible or spiritual resources, my heart is to see people experience the transformative love of Christ.

Biblical Teaching

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Browse my articles published in Charisma Magazine and other sites. Read more.

Matthew 9:37-38, “Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’” 

Are you looking for ways to spread joy, peace, and healing? Do you want to see the transformative power of the cross spread across the globe? Partner with Mikel French Ministries and take Jesus to the ends of the earth. We are his hands and feet.


I invited Mikel French to speak and had no idea what to expect,” said Pastor Tommy Barnett of Phoenix First Assembly. “But when he preached, he did so with one of the most creative and innovative styles that I have ever seen…He started a fire in our church that’s still going strong today. I truly admire the work that Brother French is doing and I consider him a great blessing to the work in Los Angeles and to the work of God everywhere.

Tommy Barnett, Senior Pastor – First Assembly of God, Phoenix, AZ

Mikel French is not your “ordinary” evangelist—he is a vessel of super-duper, powerhouse Holy Ghost anointing. When God speaks through Mikel, everyone listens, gets saved, delivered and sanctified. He is so intensely obedient to the Holy Spirit that no one can leave the anointing. No one wants to. The presence of God that enters in through Mikel’s messages brings down multiple strongholds and breaks the strongest of yokes, yielding fruit of the miraculous transformation of those who are in the midst. The act of righteous submission, obedience, forgiveness and compassion cannot be escaped and the pure sweet fragrance of God’s love permeates, generating and unadulterated revival. At least that’s what happened at our church. I encourage anyone who is blessed with the opportunity to experience this very special evangelism to rent a lot more chairs and get ready for a unusually supercharged revival.

Matthew Barnett, Senior Pastor – Angeles Temple, Los Angeles, CA

The ministry of Mikel French is well-known in Russia. Many young people came to the Lord through him when he together with The Book of Hope was visiting schools and other education establishments in our country. Mikel does have a unique ability to bring people to Christ. It is always amazing for me to see how hundreds of people repent and give their hearts to Jesus after his message. Mikel is one of those people who have contributed much in to the labor of reaching Russians people with the Gospel. I believe God called him to minister to our people and mighty works through him.

I am grateful to the Lord for the privilege to work together with this outstanding man of God. I am sure in partnership with Mikel French we will be able to do much more of the Kingdom of God, bringing souls to the knowledge of Lord Jesus. We are planning got open string churches in 12 key cities of Russia. They all will have a clear vision to reach their regions with the Gospel. I believe, God will mightily use Mikel in this project. And I am grateful to God and to Mikel for his readiness to stand with us in this vision.

Edward Grabovenko, Senior Pastor – The New Testament Church, Perm, Russia

ORU’s burgeoning partnership with Mikel French Ministries is a blessing to the entire campus. As a part of our missions giving last year we took great satisfaction in paying for the rental on a hall for one of Mikel’s Russian crusades. In another offering this year we invested in a church plant in Moscow.

It is a privilege to invest in a man and a ministry with such a global impact. Mikel French himself preached in chapel at the ORU and rang the bell. Not only were students inspired for Christ and His cause but for missions as well. It is not easy to hold today’s easily distracted college audience but Mikel’s good humored and creative style had them in the palm of his hand.

Mark Rutland, President – Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, OK

What a blessing to host Mikel French in July of this year. A great anointed message, but most important were hundreds of people at the altars seeking God.

Carl Stephens, Pastor – Faith Assembly, Orlando, FL

“I’m thankful for Mikel’s ministry. He has proven throughout the years his passion for the presence of God. His message was powerful and pace-setting for our church. I highly recommend him to you.

Ron Woods, Pastor – The Assembly, Broken Arrow, OK

We just had the honor of having Mikel as guest speaker for our “Solar Conference” this year at Bethany Church in New Jersey. Mikel has ministered here before but this was the first time we had the privilege of having him share with all four of our campuses. I want to express how grateful to God we are for all that took place. To say it was powerful time would be an understatement. I believe we saw more people filled with the Holy Spirit than at any other time I can personally remember in my 27 years as pastor of Bethany!

I also was delighted how Mikel and worship leader James Huey personally related to our people. Sometimes minsters come and speak… but other times like on this occasion they make a direct and personal connection with our people. I watched that happen in every service, and am glad to say we can’t wait until next year when Mikel French ministries will once again to come to our church.

Don James, Lead Pastor – Bethany Church, Wykoff, NJ


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