
I love saying this phrase, “You’re beautiful; I see Jesus in you.”

In fact, you may have heard me say it a dozen times, and if you watch the video format of this, you will notice it’s how I start off my videos.

When reading John 14:9, where Philip asks Jesus to see the Father and Jesus responds, “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?”

In that moment, I began to say, “Jesus, you are beautiful. I see God the Father in you.”

Then I began to think, “How many people do not see the beauty of Jesus within themselves?”

It was something the Lord laid on my heart to begin saying because many struggle to see Jesus in themselves. They view themselves through their struggles, past, or family traits. But when we were born again, we became children of God.

Jesus lives on the inside of every believer, which means His joy, life, peace, light, and more are now within us.

There is beauty within us! And it’s our duty to help those who don’t see it within themselves.

People not only struggle to see Jesus within themselves but also in the world around them or in the trials they are facing.

It’s true that we live in a dark and evil world, but that does not mean Jesus is not working or present in the midst of it. It’s true that many might be fighting battles, but Jesus is still there.

Jesus is moving, providing, protecting, healing, saving, and making ways.

How do you still see the beauty of Jesus in the midst of everything? You have to look beyond that which is wrong.

Jesus is there and wants to reveal Himself. He wants to touch lives, but He needs someone who can look beyond the evil, beyond the darkness, beyond the pain, and see His love.

That’s what I am asking you today. Can you challenge yourself to go seven days this week and look beyond the surface? Look beyond the things that are trying to blindfold you from seeing Jesus standing right there with you!

He’s there, and He’s moving!