This year’s Olympics have been nothing short of extraordinary. I’ve been glued to my seat, watching in awe as athletes shatter world records and proudly place gold medals around their necks.

There’s a thrill we experience when cheering for those who represent the USA, or even just our favorite teams. For me, every time OU wins, I celebrate alongside them from my living room.

I remember a particular OU vs. OSU game when my son and I were in the stands. When OU came out with the win, my son and I exchanged a look and triumphantly declared, “WE WIN.”

Reflecting on that moment, I realized—though I hadn’t caught a pass, thrown a touchdown, or made any tackles, I felt that I was part of the victory. And indeed, their victory was our victory.

In the same way, Christ’s victory is our victory! Christ endured the cross, descended into hell, rose from the grave, and ascended to heaven. He paid the debt we owed, fought the battle we couldn’t fight, reclaimed the keys of hell and the grave, and secured an eternal triumph.

Through Christ, we share in this victory. His victory is our victory!


You might be thinking, “You have no idea what I’m facing.” And I’d respond, “You’re right, I don’t know your struggle, but I do know the One who faced every dark stronghold and emerged undefeated.” I know the One who stripped the devil of all his weapons. I know the One who reigns supreme.

So, no matter what challenges you’re facing, remember: we have already won! The Greater One within you has overcome, making us more than conquerors.

This week, confront your battles with unwavering confidence and declare, “WE WIN,” with every ounce of faith in your heart!

“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” – Romans 8:37 NKJV

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