June 6th Monday Motivator
What comes up for you when you think of the word “intentional”?
I think of doing things with a purpose or goal or doing something with all your heart.
More importantly, I think of not doing something out of guilt or shame. Sometimes life can feel like a list of obligations instead of things “we get to do.”
Being intentional is difficult because our routines and negative thought patterns can quickly take over. It is easy for regular routines to become tradition and religion.
We can even get this way with our prayer life, devotional time, time with loved ones, and even strangers we randomly meet.
We act out of habit instead of intention.
Do you know that just one moment of being intentional – like smiling, listening, or talking to someone can change lives?
We start making a lasting impact when we choose to act with intention.
How will you begin to be more intentional?
I want to encourage you to choose one thing this week to do with intention. Even one act can make a difference.
“You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” – Jeremiah 29:13