“God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” ~ 2 Corinthians 5:21
One of the most common habits in life is to try to be justfied.
We try to be good enough, to be pleasing to others.
And most of the time, we don’t do this out of love, but out of fear of rejection or guilt.
This is not how we should live!
According to the Word of God, we have already been made righteous in God’s eyes through Jesus Christ!
Righteousness is our reality!
What does this mean?
We have been set free from guilt or sin.
In God’s eyes we are morally right or justifiable.
We are excellent in the eyes of God.
We have been made perfect.
All of our sins are forgiven, and God has cast them from His own memory.
The enemy wants us to live with guilt and shame.
The enemy wants us to live a timid, scared, struggling life.
He wants us to struggle to please others, and to fight to feel like we are enough. He wants us to live in our past sins, and to be trapped by our own fears.
But Jesus Christ has set us free from the chains of Satan’s lies!
You are enough, just the way you are!
You are forgiven! You are blameless!
You are righteous in the eyes of God!