
The way someone dresses can tell you a lot about them. Many people choose their clothes based on where they’ve come from, where they are now, or where they want to go.

But do you know there is a certain way a believer should be dressed? Luke 24:29 says, “I am going to send you what my Father has promised, but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.”

How exactly is a believer to be dressed? A believer is to be clothed in the Holy Spirit. The end of that verse states, “Clothed with power from on high.”

The Greek word used there is “enduo,” which means to clothe or be clothed with; to put on.

God wants to clothe every Christian with the Holy Spirit, giving them the power to live as Christ did—being witnesses for His kingdom, performing signs and wonders, and living a Spirit-filled life.

As we go about our lives, people should recognize that we are different, and it should be because of the Holy Spirit.

But are we wearing worldly clothing or our spiritual attire? Have we allowed the baggage that the world tries to throw on us to become our daily fit?

It’s time to let go of the old clothes from our past—our mistakes and struggles—and to put on the garments of the Holy Spirit. It’s time to embrace God’s righteousness and holiness again.

Have you been spending time in His presence, getting filled with His Spirit? We can’t face life on our own, but with the power of the Holy Spirit, we can do anything!