

Those are three words that I love to hear and have been hearing a lot lately with elections going on.

Although I love those words, what has been striking my heart is a question:

Is America blessing God?

I think this is an important question, especially for believers, considering that the Word of God tells us to bless the Lord with our souls and to bless Him at all times.

Many of you might be thinking, “You have no idea what I am going through. It’s hard to bless God.”

Trust me, I understand what it feels like to go through difficult times. Yet, that is all the more reason for me to praise and thank God.

I thank God that I am alive, I thank God for my family, I thank God for all the ways He has provided for me, I thank God for the opportunity to spread the Gospel, and the list goes on.

What I am trying to say is that no matter what you are going through, you can unlock the power of God in your life by simply praising Him and blessing Him for His goodness.

To bless God is to have reverence and respect for WHO He is.

Often, our blessing of God is based on WHAT He has done rather than WHO He is.

We need to be aware of who He is because if we were, we would never stop blessing Him. It wouldn’t matter what situation we are facing or how it might be changing our lives because we know we have a God who never changes.

He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

If Job, after hearing the news that he lost his children and possessions, could still fall down and worship God, I think I can too.

If Peter, being wrongfully imprisoned, could find a way to still bless God, I think I can too.

If Paul, despite being persecuted, could still lift God up, I think I can too.

What these people all had in common was that they knew and revered God for who He was. Their praises were not contingent on what He did—although that deserves praise too—but on who He is.

So, don’t let anything keep your lips sealed any longer! Begin to open your mouth and bless the Holy of Holies. You’ll find that in doing so, God will lead you through whatever you are facing.

A Psalm of David: “Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy name.” – Psalm 103:1