June 10th, 2024

This morning, as I sit here watching Marsha’s IV drip for hydration following her second chemo treatment earlier this week, we enter the fourth month of our journey of faith in dealing with cancer.

This phrase keeps coming to mind: “Whether you hold life tightly or hold life loosely it breaks. But in our brokenness, God reveals His greatness”.

I invite you to join me in examining four areas people tend to become weak when facing difficulties in their lives and realize today that God’s grace is sufficient for victory.

1. Failure – Think of the story in John 8:4-11, where a woman was brought to Jesus in shame. Instead of condemning her, He showed grace and forgiveness saying “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?… Neither do I. God and sin no more.”

When we fall short, God’s love and mercy are there to lift us up.

2. Faith – Even Jesus’ disciples struggled with faith. For example, when they woke Jesus up during the storm. Jesus replied to them “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?” – Matthew 8:26

When we face challenges, it’s a chance for our faith to grow. Trust that God is with you, even in the toughest times. He won’t let you sink. 

I once heard, “God isn’t going to give you a life absent from the thing that pleases Him… FAITH.” 

Throughout life, we are going to require things that cause us to use our faith. For example, right now, I am facing one of those very moments as my wife battles cancer. 

But when we encounter these times, God is right there by our sides and always shows His faithfulness to make a way!

3. Feelings – Mary and Martha felt abandoned when Lazarus died. But God’s timing is perfect. He can turn any situation around, even when it seems impossible.

Sometimes we may face things that challenge our feelings, but this is why we have been called to walk by faith! 

Because no matter what the situation may be or if we “feel” like God isn’t there, we can’t rely on that. 

Mary and Martha felt as if it was too late, but God showed them otherwise by raising Lazarus from the dead two days later. What seemed impossible or too late wasn’t with God.

4. Our Future – The future can feel uncertain, but God has a plan for each of us. Trust in His promises, and find peace knowing He’s already paved the way. He has things predestined for you to walk in.

“For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans for hope and a future.” -Jeremiah 29:11

No matter what you’re going through, God is there, ready to guide you. Trust Him, and He’ll lead you through.