Walking In The F.O.G.

April 29th, 2024

One day, an old friend approached me and said, “Mike French, you are walking in the fog.”

Instantly, I assumed he meant I had a foggy brain, but he clarified that “fog” symbolized walking in the favor of God.

You see, some people have a slight level of God’s favor in their lives and are content with it, fearing the accountability that comes with more.

Then there are those at a moderate level, but for me, I desire to walk in the abundant favor of God.

Yet, to walk in God’s favor, I must grasp certain truths.

Firstly, my personal growth is intricately linked to change, which will manifest the essence of His image in my life.

Sadly, we live in a culture where we attempt to mold Jesus to fit our expectations and image. Whenever Jesus doesn’t align with our thoughts, feelings, or actions, we seek to alter Him. However, the Bible teaches that we are the ones to be changed from glory to glory into His image.

Many of us remain confined by fear of change, hesitating to embrace God’s call to step out into the unknown.

Perhaps it’s the discomfort, fear of the unknown outcome, or the prospect of solitude that holds us back.

Yet, we need not fear, for God’s favor rests upon us. Where He leads, He provides.

Often, as we step out in faith, we witness God showering blessings, provision, and kindness upon us through various means, all because of His favor.

God employs anyone or anything to ensure our well-being, sometimes merely to demonstrate His love for us. Therefore, when someone extends kindness or generosity, let us recognize it as a manifestation of God’s favor.

Let us not shrink from change, for in it lies the favor of God.

The Purpose of Every Believer

April 22nd, 2023

Have you ever pondered, “What is actually my purpose?”

It’s safe to say that this question weighs heavily on many of us at some point in our lives. However, I want to share with you today that our purpose, as believers, is quite simple.

While each of us has our individual purposes orchestrated by God, collectively, we have one mission: to introduce people to Jesus.

Yes, it’s that simple! Every day, we should be asking ourselves, “How can I introduce my friends to Jesus?” or even those with whom we interact daily.

At the end of the day, the greatest commandment is to love God and love our neighbors. It’s through the love we have for God and the love we show others that draws them closer. It’s the fruit we bear in our lives.

The encounter between Jesus and the woman at the well in John 4 illustrates this beautifully. After encountering Jesus, her response is humbling.

Immediately after her encounter, she rushes back to her village, sharing her experience with everyone she meets. Not content with just telling them, she brings them back to encounter Jesus themselves.

What does she do? Introduce them to Jesus. Her actions speak volumes, demonstrating her desire for others to witness what she has experienced.

I believe this is the mission and purpose of every believer: to introduce others to Jesus after encountering Him ourselves.

So, I ask you: How can you introduce others to Jesus? Is it through inviting them to church, sharing a meal, showing hospitality, or building relationships that lead to meaningful conversations about Jesus? Take the initiative this week and share Jesus with someone!

Revival Through God’s Fire

April 15th, 2024

One morning, as I was studying and spending time in prayer, I wrote these words down: “I believe God wants to move by the power of the Holy Spirit with such radical firepower that things many believe were lost, stolen, and buried will be renewed, revived, and reformed.”

Now, how is that going to come about? I personally believe it’s not about revival coming, but we are already seeing an awakening of the book of Acts in the church today. Not full-blown, but as we seek God with all our hearts, it will come!

It’s going to come through the shaking of the Word, not games or gimmicks.

God is using the young and the old, men and women, to pour His fire upon. It’s through us that He wants to reach nations and cities for His glory.

He’s looking for those with a burning passion, a heart on fire for Him and His Word.

Have you been in the Word of God lately? Have you spent that secret alone time with Him in prayer?

That is where our passion is ignited, where our flame is kindled.

Because those are the moments where we see, hear, and know God’s heart and become aligned with His heart.

Take time worshiping God, make room for Him, for God wants to do great things in you and through you, but He needs your heart to be one with His! Keep the passion or kindle it by spending time with Him!

Getting Over the Pride of Asking!

April 8th, 2024

A habit I’ve cultivated when interacting with others is asking if there’s anything, I can pray with them about.

The responses to this question vary. Some abruptly shut me down with harsh words, insisting I never ask them again. Then, there are those who surprise me with their response, saying, “No, it’s okay. I don’t want to bother God.”

Interestingly, this is a common response I receive from many individuals.

Receiving that answer saddens me. Firstly, because God delights in our coming to Him. The Bible encourages us to seek Him in times of need and to cast our cares upon Him. While this isn’t the sole reason for approaching God, it certainly doesn’t displease Him! I dare say it brings Him joy when His children seek His help.

Secondly, not only does He encourage us to ask, but the Bible explicitly states, “You do not have because you do not ask” (James 4:2).

We shouldn’t feel embarrassed to ask. I believe the pride that sometimes wells up within us holds us back from receiving what God desires to give us!

We let pride and fear hinder us from seeking help, even though God has surrounded us with gifted individuals who can assist us in various areas.

God not only wants to help you but has also placed people around you for that very purpose. He has surrounded us with individuals who possess wisdom and knowledge in areas where we may lack.

We must overcome the pride of asking! It’s not about wrong answers; it’s about asking the right questions. As we learn to pose the right questions, we’ll begin to uncover the solutions we need for our current situations.

Let’s start this week by seeking solutions, help, guidance, vision, or whatever else we may need from God and those He has placed around us!

Hosting The Holy Spirit

April 1st, 2024

1 Corinthians 6:19 asks us this thought-provoking question, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.”

The word “temple” there can also mean shrine, which is a place regarded as holy because of its association with divinity or a sacred person. It’s where God Himself resides.

So, in other words, do you not know that your body is the place God has chosen to allow His Spirit to dwell in? That we are carriers of the Holy Spirit, or better yet, that you are hosts of the Holy Spirit?

My wife, Marsha, has this amazing ability to host people, bring them into our home as if theirs, and make them feel welcomed and comfortable.

And similarly, we are to host the Holy Spirit, to welcome Him in and make Him feel at home.

But sometimes we can live a life that does not make the Holy Spirit feel welcomed like 1 Corinthians says, “Our bodies are not our own.”

The same way we would upkeep our homes, making sure they’re squeaky clean before hosting family or guests, is the same way we are to treat our physical bodies, which are the home of the Holy Spirit.

Both physically and spiritually, we are to treat our bodies as the temple of God, a holy place where the Holy Spirit dwells.

Having this revelation doesn’t just make you aware of how you upkeep your temple but gives us boldness in the way we walk.

Knowing that the Holy Spirit dwells inside us will change how we react and handle circumstances. The Holy Spirit brings about in us a level of flexibility and adaptability when faced with tough circumstances or stretching moments.

He gives us comfort and boldness.

We are to welcome Him, but in return, He blesses our lives when we receive Him.