Last week I mentioned the phrase, “Principles are the foundation of relationships.”
Did you evaluate the principles that serve as the foundation for your life and relationships?
Your principles determine the strength of your foundation, which is why I concluded last week’s Monday Motivator with the reminder that they must be based on the truths of God’s word.
Today, I want to take this one step further. I want you to discover the step to help you launch into a greater you, relationships, and year.
That is, your priorities!
See, if we give minimum focus to the priorities in our lives, not only will our relationships fail, but the goals we want to accomplish will fail.
To be productive in our relationships and goals for life, we must learn to prioritize. To do that, we must determine the important things that must be done in our daily lives.
After discovering our priorities, we can take the necessary steps to honor those choices.
For example, is family time important to you? If so, while it’s obvious we have other things that need to get done, family time should be prioritized above all else.
To get better at prioritizing based on our principles, I want you to create a daily list of 3 things you need to get done. ONLY THREE! This exercise helps you accomplish those important things each day for the week and gets you one step closer to achieving your larger goals.
Prioritizing can help us create a flow in life like a river. It helps us avoid the time trap many fall into, which feels like a swamp.