February 19th, 2024

In Acts 1:8, the Bible states, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

The question arises: witnesses to what?

  1. The Message:

The message is the love of God. It’s about God’s profound love for the world, demonstrated by giving His only Son. This love extends to us, portraying God as merciful, kind, gracious, and caring. We should be sharing to others about such love He has lavished upon us all.


       2.    Witnesses of the Example, Jesus:

Our lives should mirror Jesus, impacting those around us. Living what we preach is paramount. We cannot proclaim God’s love without embodying it ourselves. Our lives should reflect a deep personal reverence and revelation of God, drawing people to Jesus.

And thirdly,

       3.    The Power of the Holy Spirit:

Living by the Spirit yields fruits of the Spirit.

Our lives produce either good or bad fruit, reflecting either the Spirit or the flesh. When people witness the fruit of the Spirit in us—peace, joy, patience, love—they are drawn to it, offering us the opportunity to be witnesses of the Holy Spirit. Additionally, signs, miracles, and wonders manifest through the authority Jesus has given us, and the Holy Spirit within us.

As Christians, we are called to be witnesses of God, His love, and the Holy Spirit. It’s part of our purpose on Earth.

This week, begin each day confessing, “I am a witness of Jesus.” Personalizing it by acknowledging your role in your community and home.

Embrace your identity as a witness of the holy and wonderful God.