At times after we’ve accepted Christ it can be hard to put off some of our old carnal habits to be an everyday example of Christ. God loves us unconditionally no matter how alike we are to Christ, but it is to our benefit that we submit to His Word and Spirit in every area of our lives.
Imagine if Christ had only done the things of God that were easy or didn’t inconvenience Him? Thankfully He did not do that, but boldly gave His all for each one of us. So in return, what should we do? Give our all to Him. Sometimes this means sacrificing relationships, certain jobs or opportunities, even giving up inappropriate shows or music.
People will say it isn’t necessary to live that way, sacrificing particular things just because of a “religion” they’ll even say it’s “extreme”. But it’s not about “religion” it’s about having an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ and giving Him your all because He gave His all to you.
Jesus easily could have decided that the path before Him was too difficult, or that He didn’t want to stand against all of the persecution He was receiving, but He didn’t. He knew what was at stake and He knew that we needed Him to give us everything He had; ultimately giving His life.
You will never receive everything that God has for you when you place Him as a second priority, or as another option if the plan you came up with doesn’t work out. He has endless amounts of love, grace, wisdom, peace, health, and freedom to pour out on us, but it cannot fully be given to us when we are living outside of His guidelines.
To live a life devoted to Christ is not always straightforward and painless. To fully trust Him with your finances, relationships, career, and overall life takes faith and surrender. But these are actions that God will always reward because He sees you putting Him first and depending on Him. It may not be effortless, but it will always be worth it.
Face the persecution, surrender even the most difficult areas of your life, and give Him all of you, because He gave us everything He had.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” ~ Proverbs 3:5-6