I thought it would fun to hear from a younger generation, so, I ask my 3 grandkids to share their top 3 New Year’s Resolutions for “2021.” They had never made a Resolution before so my daughter-n-law Dori, gave them a quick coaching course explaining that …

A New Year’s resolution is a decision to do or not do something to accomplish a personal goal or break a habit. It comes at a time when people look back at the past year and make an effort to improve themselves as the new year begins.

I love their responses…

 Sophia age 11:        Jonathan age 10:                    Caden age 9:

1. Be productive  1. Get As & Bs in school. 1. Amusement parks.                   

2. Stop procrastinating  2. Survive “2021” 2. Ride more roller coasters        

3. Eat Healthier  3. Go to Warriors B-Ball game      3. Play more sports

Sophia is an amazing, young lady, with knowledge, way beyond her years! I was curious to know if Jonathan meant something serious with survive “2021” because he has a hilarious sense of humor. He was being funny because “2020” was so crazy! Caden is methodical, yet, as you can see, adventurous!

Share with me your children or grandchildren’s New Year’s Resolutions.

Who knows, they may just show up on my Monday Motivator!

While only 1/3 of the population make New Year’s Resolutions every year, only 8% follow through on them. A big part of it is that many people take on too much, too fast. In January, the month right after the holidays, people are setting themselves up to fail dramatically, burn out and finish the month binge-watching Netflix and binge-eating on cookies & ice cream!

The only way to measure your success is by developing an action plan and following it.

 If you want to “spend less, save more, “think about skipping that trip to Starbucks!”