January 15th, 2023 Monday Motivator
I began last week sharing a 3-point concept of awakening, being shaken, and loosening.
I anticipate encountering all three of these aspects frequently this year. Last week, while discussing awakening, I emphasized how God will awaken more of His people to His power in the coming year.
Moreover, I anticipate a considerable amount of shaking occurring in people’s lives.
While the term “shaking” often brings to mind the world being shaken, I want to draw attention to a verse in Isaiah.
Isaiah 52:2 says, “Shake off your dust; rise up, sit enthroned, Jerusalem. Free yourself from the chains on your neck, Daughter Zion, now a captive.”
This is the year to rise and cast off all the dust you’ve been living under.
That dust might be a long-held belief in a lie, a defeat, challenging circumstances, rumors, or a wrong done to you. These things have kept you down in the dirt, feeling as if a chain has been hanging around your neck.
Just like the prophet Isaiah proclaimed, “Shake it off!”
It’s no longer time to play the blame game but take action ourselves by rising up.
2024 doesn’t have to mirror the past. You can live in the freedom and peace that God designed for you.
Imagine a dog stumbling upon a ditch full of water. Do you know the first thing that a dog does upon emerging from the water? It shakes off all the water weighing down its fur.
Better yet, think of a lion that sleeps on the ground all night. When it’s time to rise, it gets up and shakes off the dust.
It’s time for you to get up! It’s time for you to shake off the things that have been weighing you down. When something else comes trying to bring you back down, don’t let it settle; immediately shake it off!
Let “Shake it off” be your motto this year.