I was talking with a friend of mine who desires to have a deeper relationship with God, but has been struggling to find the time to spend in prayer or in the Word of God. They felt so weighed down by guilt and shame that it seemed so hard for them to grow spiritually and in their relationship with God, and when they did make time for God they were so burdened by guilt that they could never be real with God and let their guards down.
I admit that at times in my own life it has been easy to feel this way. But if I could go back and tell myself, and tell every person who has ever felt like it is a struggle to grow in your relationship with God due to lack of time or energy I would say, “Take it easy.”
Having a relationship with God should not be hard. You don’t have to take four hours out of your day to kneel down on a special rug in a sacred room after confessing every single sin you’ve ever done in your life every time you talk to God in order to have a relationship with God. You don’t have to sacrifice animals, or DO anything to have a relationship with God. That is Old Testament thinking. Jesus Christ died so that we could have a relationship with God, and be free from our sins, shame, and guilt!
When you come to God, come to God willingly and gladly. Not out of religious obligation, or because of guilt or shame. Come to God because you love Him.
Talk to God as you go throughout your day.
Talk to God in the shower. Talk to God in the car. Talk to God during your lunch break. Talk to God between every appointment. Talk to God on Saturday mornings as you spend time alone, or with loved ones. Talk to God as you travel. Talk to God as you do something you love. Talk to God as you go through something hard. But as you come to God, take it easy. Don’t feel guilty for missing a day in your yearlong Bible reading challenge. Instead, take it easy, come to God and tell Him about your day and just do your best.
Having a relationship with God should not be a chore. Having a relationship with God is a privilege. An honor. Having a relationship with God is as easy as breathing. Don’t overthink it, just take it easy, take a breath, and praise the Lord for what He has done and what He is doing in your life. Thank the Lord for sending Christ to die for our sins so that we may come to God freely, and without guilt or shame or worry of being turned away.
Don’t be so hard on yourself. A relationship with God is not meant to weigh you down. Just take it easy, and come to God freely.