October 23rd, 2023 Monday Motivator

It’s sad to say that we’re nearing the end of our teaching of the S-P-E-A-K Principle, a concept we’ve been exploring this month. This morning marks the beginning of our fourth week, with a focus on the letter “A.”

S – Story.
P – Passion.
E – Encourage the passion.
A – Affirmation.
K – You’ll have to wait until next week, sorry, can’t spoil it!

Affirmation can sometimes feel unfamiliar in today’s generation. It’s a two-way awkward street – both giving and receiving. Last week, we discussed the importance of encouraging people in their godly passions, motivating them to pursue what God put on their hearts.

But today, we’re shifting the spotlight away from passion. I want you to concentrate on affirming the person, not their aspirations.

I’ve discovered that affirmation helps individuals see in themselves what they can’t see, or better yet, what God sees in them.

That’s why it’s crucial not to solely focus on people’s shortcomings but to highlight their great qualities.

Constantly pointing out their mistakes can lead them to view themselves as failures, a perspective that doesn’t align with God’s vision for them.

Your words hold the power to transform the atmosphere and unleash God’s prophetic potential for your future.

Most people deal with negative thoughts, confusion, and disbelief. These can be altered by the influence of your words.

When someone believes they’re a failure, you can stand by their side and tell them, “No, you’re not,” and speak truth into their lives. This not only shifts the negative energy in the environment but also transforms their attitude.

This is the beauty of coaches, teachers, and even pastors. They have daily opportunities to infuse positive affirmation into people’s lives, changing the trajectory of their lives and thought patterns.

The truth is, regardless of our job titles, we all possess the power to affirm. As parents, we can affirm our children; as bosses, we can affirm our teams; as co-workers, we can affirm our colleagues – the list is endless.

Seek out those you can uplift, and when someone shares something positive about you, accept it graciously. Don’t downplay their compliment. You are worthy of love and affirmation.

Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. –  Proverbs 16:24