Merry Christmas!

This year God has blessed us beyond measure, but nothing compares to the gift that God gave us thousands of years ago on Christmas day, the day that Jesus Christ was born. 

That is why we are celebrating today. We celebrate to remember the gift of Christ that God gave to us, and thank Him for all that He has done for us! 

Today as you unwrap presents, eat a great Christmas feast, or have some fun with your family around town or in the great outdoors keep a heart of thanksgiving open to God. Not only has He provided us with His only Son, but also with all of the loved ones in our lives. 

Merry Christmas! 

1 Week Until Christmas!

In exactly one week children all over the world will be waking up to check their stockings, peek under the tree, and wrestle their parents out of bed to begin the day. Can you imagine if everyone everyday started off with as much joy and excitement that a child has on Christmas morning? I think we would all definitely get a lot more done in our daily lives. 

People now are beginning to clean, cook and prepare for family to arrive from out of town. Others are packing and preparing to travel to see loved ones they haven’t in a while. And some and preparing for a week of work that they couldn’t get off, even for the holidays. Marsha and I are in the category of cleaning, cooking, decorating the house and awaiting the arrival of our three beautiful grandchildren. 

But before we know it, Christmas will be over. The New Year will come and go, and then we’ll be back to the regular flow of life. 

Today I want to encourage you with a few thoughts:

  • Enjoy each day 

Christmas doesn’t come everyday. Enjoy it, your family, and this time while it’s here! 

  • When the holidays are over, still wake up expecting and excited! 

Christmas doesn’t come everyday, and there are 364 other days of the year that could be filled with just as much joy! 

  • Don’t forget what Christmas is all about

While family, food, and friends are great, Christmas is all about Jesus! Don’t get so wrapped up in presents and the to-do lists this week that you forget the peace, joy, love, patience, and provision that we have because of Jesus Christ coming to us on Christmas Day all those years ago as a babe. 

Keep Your Head Above Water!

Sometimes life can be overwhelming. It’s the holiday season and every day for the next few weeks has been taken up with things to do. Let’s admit it. We are human, and not everything goes the way we plan. We can have a plan to get everything done, but sometimes that plan goes out the window with complications knocking at the door.
God never promised that life would be easy.
But God did promise that He will ALWAYS be with us (Joshua 1:9)!
God has GREAT plans for your life! He desires to bless you far more than any earthly father ever could!
When difficult circumstances come into our lives, it is NOT God’s will!
The reason we face these hardships is because of the sin that plagues our world.
That is why Christ came to die for us on the cross!
Christ came so that we could not only have His righteousness, but so that we could be more than conquerors through Him (Romans 8:37)!
When you keep your focuss on Jesus, you will have His victory in all things!
When you keep your focuss on Jesus, you will walk on water!
You don’t have to keep your head above the water, with God at the center of your life you will soar!
It’s okay to be faced with difficult circumstances in life. It doesn’t mean that God is not there or that you are unworthy of His help.
God is always with you!
Instead of struggling to keep your head above the waters of life, keep your focuss on God and He will take care of everything!