My 3 Grandkids New Year’s Resolutions

I thought it would fun to hear from a younger generation, so, I ask my 3 grandkids to share their top 3 New Year’s Resolutions for “2021.” They had never made a Resolution before so my daughter-n-law Dori, gave them a quick coaching course explaining that …

A New Year’s resolution is a decision to do or not do something to accomplish a personal goal or break a habit. It comes at a time when people look back at the past year and make an effort to improve themselves as the new year begins.

I love their responses…

 Sophia age 11:        Jonathan age 10:                    Caden age 9:

1. Be productive  1. Get As & Bs in school. 1. Amusement parks.                   

2. Stop procrastinating  2. Survive “2021” 2. Ride more roller coasters        

3. Eat Healthier  3. Go to Warriors B-Ball game      3. Play more sports

Sophia is an amazing, young lady, with knowledge, way beyond her years! I was curious to know if Jonathan meant something serious with survive “2021” because he has a hilarious sense of humor. He was being funny because “2020” was so crazy! Caden is methodical, yet, as you can see, adventurous!

Share with me your children or grandchildren’s New Year’s Resolutions.

Who knows, they may just show up on my Monday Motivator!

While only 1/3 of the population make New Year’s Resolutions every year, only 8% follow through on them. A big part of it is that many people take on too much, too fast. In January, the month right after the holidays, people are setting themselves up to fail dramatically, burn out and finish the month binge-watching Netflix and binge-eating on cookies & ice cream!

The only way to measure your success is by developing an action plan and following it.

 If you want to “spend less, save more, “think about skipping that trip to Starbucks!”

“May Your Christmas Be Adorned With Cheer!”

“May Your Christmas Be Adorned With Cheer!”

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you;He is the Messiah, the Lord.”(Luke 2:11)

To think “2020” is almost over is a relief!

May this season in our lives remind us of God’s faithfulness

This year, as we may know, has brought a huge shock to the world, but that should not stop us from being thankful for God’s faithfulness in, “who He is and “what He does in our lives.”

Many of us have suffered some painful situations and devastated outcomes, while others of us have miraculously survived. In any case, one thing we can always depend on is that…

God is with us……God is for us… and God is in us!

My wife, Marsha, and I were devastated when we both became ill with the Covid-19. I was hospitalized in the intensive care ward with other Covid-19 patients, where several did not make it and entered into eternity.
Even while in the midst of our difficult season we were reminded of God’s faithfulness. Many new doors and ministry opportunities have opened up and we are grateful. 

May God Bless you & your family this Christmas!


May your Christmas be adorned with cheer!

What does it mean to “Love?”

The verse that came in mind while thinking about Love” was in Romans 12:9-18,

Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.”

We all go through emotions, hurt, or betrayal at some point in our life; it’s in those difficult times that we need friends who love us and help to carry our load.

Jesus tells us to love one another, to love those who hurt us, to love the sinners, and love the church; but are you genuine with your love, or do you just toss the word around because it’s easier for you to say it than for it to be done?

“But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” – (Matthew 5:44)

Jesus teaches us to Love” even when we don’t feel like it.

It’s something we need to recognize and ask, “what does it mean to really Love?”

No matter how much it hurts, how hard it gets, we still need to Love” regardless the circumstances.

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” – (John 13:34)

Love” means,

  • Going out of your way for others
  • Putting their needs above yours
  • Loving them through their flaws and mistakes
  • Praying for them
  • Forgiving those who make a mistake
  • Encouraging those who hurt you
  • Loving like Jesus loves 

What’s taking control over your life?

Are you letting peace take control in the midst of this time of unrest and turmoil? 

Are you at a point where you feel anxious and feel as though everything around you is going 100pmh?  Take a moment and ask yourself, “Why am I in such a hurry and constant rush?”

The word “peace” appears in the Bible 420 times. It is very clear that the Lord wants you to live in peace. God is not in a hurry and desires for you to slow down and let His peace rule in your heart. 

“And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.”- Colossians 3:15

Finding peace is easier said than done. Whether you are dealing with job stress, family, relationships, financial problems, or any other obstacle that may come your way; it can be difficult to find peace. It’s only through Christ, The Prince of Peace, that you can find true peace.

Being in a constant hurry can make you have health problems making you feel tired, anxious, frustrated, and disappointed with everything around you. This is not God’s desire for you!

“I’ve said these things to you so that you will have peace in me. In the world you have distress. But be encouraged! I have conquered the world.” — John 16:33

Today, I encourage you to take some time to sit down and meditate on God’s promises. He has promised to be your peace and will break down every wall of anxiety, frustration and disappointments. Know that you can take all of your cares to Him and He will give you peace of mind and rest in your weary soul.

The good news is that in this life, there will be hardships, but they only last so long. Be at peace knowing that it’ll all be over soon, and that God is in control.

Who Is Your Identity In?

People talk about the word identity but, do you know what it means to have an identity in Him? 

You are not defined by what your family and friends say you are, you are not defined by what social media thinks you are, and you are not defined by your mistakes and failures. 

You are who God says you are, you are defined in HIM

When there’s so much chaos around us, it’s easy to forget who you are in Christ when you are not building yourself up with His word to get you a strong foundation in knowing who you are in Him. 

 “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” 

(Jeremiah 1:5) 

Look at yourself the way God looks at you by the Word of God. 

 “You are fearfully and wonderfully made by God.”

(Psalm 139:14) 

When the devil comes to attack, steal and destroy you, what are you going to do? You can choose to let him accomplish his evil plan; or you can be BOLD and let him know you are the child of the Most High. 

 “You are one with Christ as he is one with his father.”

(John 17:11) 

Remember this: A new life has begun when you are born again in Christ.”