Does it ever feel like you are struggling to hear God’s voice? You’ve prayed but now you’re waiting on an answer or sense of direction.
When this happens it often is not that God hasn’t answered us yet, we just need to focus on Him and listen.
So how can we better hear God speak to us?
Get quiet before God. When you’re speaking with someone do you do all of the talking? Hopefully not. We give the other person time to talk back to us during the conversation and talking to God is no different. When you are praying, don’t say all you think you need to say then go on with your day, give God time to speak back to you before you rush off. He will guide you when you give Him your attention and the opportunity to speak.
Spend time in the Word. God is always speaking to us because He gave us His written Word! The Bible is no ordinary book, it is alive, powerful, and active (Hebrews 4:12). When we spend time reading the Bible it not only helps us recognize God’s voice and character but also helps us remember scripture to make wise decisions. Knowing the Word of God allows us to act in a situation without always seeking God first because He already gave us direction through His Word.
Always trust your heavenly Father. To hear from God it is important to realize that He wants to speak to us and reveal His plan to us for our lives. At times it can feel like we’re pulling on God to tell us what we need to do as if He is reluctant to tell us but that is never the case. Our Father loves us and wants us to seek His plan and walk in it, He wants us to be in His will and fulfilling our purpose.
When you give your attention to God allowing Him time to speak to you, read His great Word, and fully put your trust in Him and the fact that He does desire for you to live out the plan He has for you, you will surely hear His voice.
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” ~ John 10:27 NKJV