September 25th, 2023 Monday Motivator
Two weeks ago, when I arrived in Kona, Hawaii, I couldn’t help but be amazed by its natural beauty – the vast oceans, majestic volcanoes, and lush tropics.
Now that I’m back home in Oklahoma, I gaze out my window and witness the unique beauty of this season here as well.
During this time, a verse from Genesis 8:22 has been on my mind: “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”
It’s a reminder that everything in the heavens and the universe, according to God’s creation, is deemed “good,” each with its own purpose and cycle. There’s always a time for planting and a time for reaping, for cold and heat, and so on.
This cycle ensures we always have provision, and it runs deeper, rooted in a special purpose. Just like apple seeds produce apples and tomato seeds yield tomatoes, each of us is a part of God’s beautiful creation with a unique purpose and assignment.
Perhaps you’re thinking, “That’s pretty simple, Brother Mikel.” But have you pondered this about yourself? You, too, are a unique part of God’s good creation.
Taking it a step further, God has bestowed upon you and all of us a special purpose and calling, as outlined in His Word. Our foremost purpose is to love God and in response to that love, to love others. To grow closer to our heavenly Father.
Moreover, understand that He has a distinctive plan for your life, encompassing your day-to-day activities and your future. This plan involves encounters with people, opportunities, and tasks, all with a purpose, whether we comprehend it fully or not.
Recognize that we constantly operate on “kingdom time.” While we’re here on this Earth, we’re here for a reason on an assignment for the Kingdom of God, which we’ve been graciously included in.
You, my friend, are part of something vast and profound, greater than both of us. Let’s embrace this purpose together and live it out to the fullest!