I have a question for you, one that emerged during a challenging time in my life. Now, I want to share it with those who might also be navigating difficult situations.

The question is:

Are you walking in victory, and is every step filled with joy?

I’ve faced my own trials, including prostate cancer, which took me through weeks and months of radiation treatment. I’ve also witnessed my son endure a Mantle Cell Lymphoma.

So, I ask again: Are you walking in victory? Is each step filled with joy?

As I ponder this question, I realize that true assurance of victory doesn’t come from me, my pastor, or anyone else; it comes from the Word of God. Our joy is anchored in Him.

Let’s take a moment to reflect on a powerful Bible verse: “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” – 1 Corinthians 15:57

My son and I have faced cancer, and now my beloved wife, Marsha, is bravely battling stage four pancreatic cancer.

Each day brings new challenges, but through God, we already possess the victory. We are called to rejoice not only because God has provided for our future, but also because He has granted us victory for today.

Unfortunately, many people allow their circumstances to cloud their understanding of who God is and what He has done for us.

We may encounter tough times, and they are indeed real, but I want you to know that God desires for you to experience His victory and joy. No matter what you’re facing, we are overcomers through the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.

So once more, I ask: Are you walking in victory? Is every step filled with joy? Don’t let circumstances steal your joy!

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