Joy is FAR greater than the pain, hurt or trial that you are going through!
“For the Joy of the lord is your secure place and your strength.”
Let go of all the hurt and emotions the enemy has brought to your life and give them to God.
You will have everlasting Joy when you learn to trust Him and let Him fill you with His love.
Happiness comes from outward things and is only temporary, whereas,
Joy is an inward relationship that can only come through knowing Christ!
Give all that you have in surrender to God in Heaven who has control of it all, and trust in His Word to bring good out of the bad.
No matter what your situation;
He will bring you Joy and Gladness!
His Joy will be your strength in the most devastating situations!
You will get through victoriously if you trust in Him!
Your Joy will remain as long as you have a relationship with Him!
Joy is a choice! It is up to you on whether you have it or not. Yes, life can be very hurtful and even unfair at times, but you must learn to “Change the things that you can and accept the things that you cannot!
“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”
– Romans 8:18