June 12th, 2023 Monday Motivator
A man sharing poetry on America’s Got Talent said, “The cost of love. When you love someone so much, you can’t imagine life without them.”
I couldn’t help but think of how this saying relates so much to the love of our Father.
This line from his poem reminds me of John 3:16, “That God so loved the world that He gave His ONLY begotten Son.”
We all know this verse, but it bears repeating and is the foundation of our walk with God.
The giving of the Father’s ONLY son was a high cost but worth paying to save YOU!
Our sins caused a separation from life with the Father, but He couldn’t imagine a life without you. You are His creation and masterpiece.
He so profoundly desired an intimate relationship with you here and forever.
The only offer that could be made for such desire was Jesus. This is where our gratitude and love springs from. He first loved us, showing us this through Jesus’ sacrifice, so we could have the chance to love Him back.
That’s how much God loves you!
I want you to know that today, no matter how much you feel unloved by those you desire to show love back, there is One who already gave everything to show His love!
Take that part of the shared poem and remember God’s love for you.
Let it remind you that you are loved every day and forever!
And ask yourself this question as well, “If God gave everything because He loved me, no matter the cost, have I loved Him in that same way?”
What has God asked you to give up?
The cost might be significant, but what you’ll receive is better.
And when you obey, it reflects your love and obedience to Him.
Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son, who he waited years to receive as a promise from God, yet as an act of love and obedience to God, he was willing to give him up. (Genesis 22)