God is consistent. The Lord is intentional in His pursuit of those He loves – you!
God will never leave you wondering. He will never leave you in doubt.
You don’t have to wonder if He will provide tomorrow – He will.
You don’t have to wonder if He will be good tomorrow – He will.
You don’t have to worry if His promises will remain – He’s faithful.
The consistency of Jesus shows up in:
Hebrews 13:8, “While I am woefully inconsistent in so many ways,
Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
Romans 5:20-21, “While I am woefully inconsistent in defeating sin,
Jesus by His grace always defeats sin. “
Hebrews 7:27, “While I am woefully inconsistent in praying for others,
Jesus is always interceding on my behalf before God.”
Philippians 2:5-11, “While I am woefully inconsistent at living humbly, Jesus was always humble.”
You can trust Him today, tomorrow, and forever as stated in Hebrews 13:8.
How would your thoughts, words, and actions change if you stood on this principle every day?
All Jesus and no pressure. Resting in the faithfulness of the Lord makes all the difference. It’s everything to make Jesus the central focus of our lives all throughout the day – when this revelation hit me the favour of God started coming in ways I haven’t seen and so effortlessly. It ended man being the dominate party in my life.
With grace put to the people like you do and some others, it most certainly helps to keep Gods perspective at the forefront to stay on course. I’ll be writing out what you’ve written to stick on my wall until it becomes completely ingrained in me. It’s all how it’s relayed and your cool with it. Thank you and thanks for being faithful with the Lord to the truth.