God is consistent. The Lord is intentional in His pursuit of those He loves – you!

God will never leave you wondering. He will never leave you in doubt.

You don’t have to wonder if He will provide tomorrow – He will.

You don’t have to wonder if He will be good tomorrow – He will.

You don’t have to worry if His promises will remain – He’s faithful.

The consistency of Jesus shows up in:

Hebrews 13:8, “While I am woefully inconsistent in so many ways, 
Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” 

Romans 5:20-21, “While I am woefully inconsistent in defeating sin,
 Jesus by His grace always defeats sin. “

Hebrews 7:27, “While I am woefully inconsistent in praying for others,
Jesus is always interceding on my behalf before God.”

Philippians 2:5-11, “While I am woefully inconsistent at living humbly, Jesus was always humble.”

You can trust Him today, tomorrow, and forever as stated in Hebrews 13:8.  

How would your thoughts, words, and actions change if you stood on this principle every day?