What is one word you would use to describe life?

While reflecting with God, He showed me Ephesians 2: 10, and I realized just how beautiful life truly is.
The verse says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
What a reassuring message that God prepared in advance for us to handle anything that comes our way and finish it in victory!
Yes, there will be struggle, but you will find relief.
Yes, there will be damage, but you will find healing.
Yes, there will be disaster, but you will find beauty. 
God prepared for us to live in victory. There is nothing that will ever take God by surprise. So you should not live in fear! Your path is set for success.
Instead of focusing on the negative today, take a step back and focus on the beauty of each situation you are facing. 
Focus on what God has provided you and the solution rather than the problem. 

Keep Going

No matter what comes at you, keep going. Don’t give up!

2 Chronicles 15:7 tells us, “But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.”

It’s not over until God says that it is over!

We still have work to do.

There are still people that need to hear the message of Christ. 

There are still people who need to know His love! 

We need to keep going! 

We need to keep sharing the Gospel!

We need to keep walking in love! 

We need to keep praising God! 

No matter how you feel today, keep going! 

God is right there, walking you through every situation. 

Is Imposter Syndrome Keeping You From Your God-Given Calling?

God Can Use You!

Is imposter syndrome keeping you from your God-given calling?

The Bible says, “Through Christ, you are made qualified!”

Stop letting thoughts like “I’m too young or too old” keep you from your destiny. The Bible shows us that God can use you no matter your age! For example, David was just a boy when he went up against a giant (1 Samuel 17:33), and yet God used him to be victorious against the Philistines (1 Samuel 17:50-54).

Stop letting insecurities like “I’ve sinned too much” stop you from walking in God’s power. The Bible shows us that God can use you no matter what you’ve done in your past! For example, Paul was a murderer (Acts 22:4); he persecuted and killed thousands of Christians! But God appeared to him (Acts 9:1-19) and used him to spread The Gospel over many nations, and to this day, the letters he wrote leading from the Holy Spirit are read and leading people to Christ all over the world.

Stop letting thoughts like “I don’t have any abilities” from acting on God’s plans! The Bible shows us that God can use us no matter our abilities, resources, or background! For example, Esther was just an ordinary orphan girl (Esther 2:7), but God used her to save an entire nation of the Jewish people (Esther 8)!

When you accepted Christ as your savior, He made you qualified for God to work in your life! So stop letting imposter syndrome keep you from sharing God’s love and experiencing it yourself!